How to gain Maple Story mesos money?
However, if you want decent weapons and equipments, you had better know how to gain Maple Story mesos or else it will take you ages to get your dream weapon and equipment. Ways of gaining money I've already mentioned in my previous paragraphs are buy/sell, scrolling, quests, and getting drops. All the above 30 quests are mostly profitable. Trading is a bit different f Aion below level 30. Now you have enough money to invest on better items such as scrolled weapons/equipments, scrolls, ores, and quest items.
If you don't gain money, don't give up. My opinion, level 30-40 is the HARDEST and MOST BORING period of levels. You will depend on drops f Aion evil eyes, boars, fire boars, jr kitties, and curse eyes (excluding the ludi monsters because I do not know their level of efficiency of training) and they drop barely any good equipments that will make you rich. F Aion level 40 to 50, training might still get dull, but the drops aren't as bad. Now, f Aion level 50 to 60 you will notice that you will gain a HUGE amount of money f Aion drops. F Aion level 30-40 I barely made a million, level 40-50 around 3 million, level 50-60 30 million. My point is if you think you are not getting rich f Aion level 30-50, and bare the hardships, because after that period you will find your wallet over flooded with mesos.