Tip1: Crafting takes awhile, and you can get high level in each craft, so don't fret over what craft to decide to master. Try em
all out and then decide which one you like the best.
Tip2: Try not to buy items ahead of level. Its actually common to have you or someone in the guild to come across rare items, and
will usually be glad to give it up.
Tip3: It is possible to make low level gear aion power leveling thats better than most higher level gear if you're lucky enough. I
know f Aion experience that its actually pretty common to make a "Shining" piece of equipment (about a 15% chance, but Imay have gotten
lucky). All you'd have to do is supply you're local crafter with supplies, and soon you'll have the finest gear around, practically
for free.
Tip4: Keep everything that is dropped/found untill you can absolutely
confirm it has no use. I had the misfortune to
throw out all of my refining stones in the beginning Poeta zone, thinking I didn't need them. I was definitely wrong. Some items
start a miniquest if clicked on twice, for free experience and money. There only disposable items are the useless gray- named monster
drops, but have a high sell value so keep them untill you go into town. So expand your cube if you think you don't have room, but
keep all you find.
Tip5: when free falling after a long flight runs out, get fairly close to the ground and press space to deploy your wings and
effectively slow the descent letting you live f Aion an otherwise lethal fall.