Pure staff in 2Moons
Here we will provide some details given by opwarrior1 about pure staff in 2Moons, and you can read them carefully and get the main points with 2moons dil. Firstly, ppl underestimate staff to much Staff is not a pvp class although a staff summoned level 97 is great to have in any kind of war palpus makes anyone poison res go away completely which is great for other summits and the staff second palpus is the biggest aoe out of all the classes not longest not strongest but biggest which means if you are in a war everyone on the other team losses poison res what else is a staff good for well DF staff owns. Secondly, use staff skill is the best way to get the best out of ure staffy first you ana use palpus and take away ure apponents res then infected earth does massive damage your lvl 100 crits 3.5k in PK next yull wana use messenger cuz hes your att that does the most damage after yull wana use totem pole immediately cuz if you use it to late they can run out then you use the rest in pretty much in any order then repeat.