Lower Level Druid Gear
It occurs to you that the question of strength or agility comes up pretty fast when you start down the path of building out your Feral Druid. It sparks huge threads all over the web, some crying and all in all a ton of discussion. Relatively speaking, young Druid reads some of these threads and forum boards seem to require a Masters Degree in Advanced Mathematics. On top of that very often these are talking about very high level raiding and endgame Druid builds which can be confusing as well. Here is a very simple break down of the two stats and how they compare. You have more to learn but this will at least get you going.
It sounds crazy that you are attempting to make decisions on stats. As soon as you have got an answer, you will find Aion Gold someone else saying something totally different. Simply you can try and get a feel for the numbers. You can get different gear and rebuild your talent trees all the way. Let us first take a look at the very basic definitions of these stats and how they affect your Druid.