Get The Best Stuff in Silkroad
If glavie-cold and glavie-force have same set, cold have more phy defence, we agreed with what you said. But that is what special here in mmorgp games, you allways want to get the best stuff, you can make good sets that enough tank. We can tell you that we had a lot buy sro gold times like 10-15k hp and vigor+selfheal up very fast our HP(SRO Gold) back to 47k. We can reduce PR and AT and we could tank warriors with our set even we can cure our status every one sec, without worry about the 15sec delay of puri pills.
We can tell you that we killed most warriors in our server of SRO. So say force is shit vs holy is not truth, its depends on a lot things and situations and lucky, if we talk ch vs ch, force can get new limits even we can comparing this build to "the chinese cleric-warlock" because as cleric you can cure yourself+heal yourself and as warlock you can debuff your opponents.