Dofus kamas players are not accessible from Spinal the World Tour Guide.
More recently, Malaysia was released, covering the other major country that makes Kamas up SEA's player base. Malaysia and Singapore currently does not have World Tour maps. They are not accessible from Spinal the World Tour Guide; however they are often treated as such because of their basis on a real world location and culture. As of Maple-SEA patch V0.69, Singapore and Malaysia Map are the only "World Tour Areas" to have a mini-dungeon. In China-MS, the new area, Shoaling Monastery, has been released with the two towns, Mount Song Town and the Grand Hall of the Great Sage. It is accessible from a separate option from Shanghai Way-tan from the World Tour NPC.MS has announced the release of their newest exclusive town, called Neo Tokyo, it is a town set in the future that is themed on machines and robots.